Do skunks swim?

A striped skunk is a good swimmer, but it does not like to enter into the water. The terrestrial movement takes place normally from sunset until sundown, and it is a waddle or a slow amble. A skunk is able to move faster when it gallops at a short distance with the speed of around 16.5km/h. Skunks do not like the coldest temperatures of the winter, and they continue to live in their dens for some weeks or even some months during that time. During this period, the skunk will be depending on the fat reserves for its energy.

The tracks of the skunk may be seen in the snow or mud around the feeding places or near the den. The tracks look the same as that of a house cat, but the cat prints only have four toes and there are no claw marks. Skunks are not able to retract the claws and they will be showing five toe prints. The prints of the cats are one on the top of the other, while the skunk will normally stagger and they are normally two inches long and one inch wide.

When the skunks swim, they use their webbed feet, but they do it slowly and they are not counted as aquatic animals. They do not have a good sense of smell, sight or hearing, but their sense of touch is well developed. When it is cold, they lower their temperature so that they can sleep for many weeks.

Skunks like to live in clearings and they settle in the districts that border their habitat. Striped skunks like to live in agricultural lands, in forest clearings, in pastures and in farmlands or other areas around the human habitations in either urban or rural areas. The skunks may also live in the dense forest. The skunks will live in a well-drained site that it can make on its own or it can make it its home when the maker has left. The skunks will make different openings in the den. The striped skunk can pull or push the dried leaves or grasses to use as bedding materials. The striped skunk will use the dens in the autumn or in winter and when they raise their children. However, in summer or spring they stay above the ground where there is thick vegetation or near the cover. The skunk can also be found near buildings and in the spaces found under houses and barns and even within attics or walls.

When a pet skunk is taught how to bathe, it may learn to swim well and it may end up loving water. If you just got a skunk, keep in mind that the skunk will not like the idea of being submerged in the water. Since they do not like the idea of swimming in the wild, you should not force them to do it even in your home. They do not float well because of their bushy tail and thick fur. However, they are able to tolerate rain as other animals do in the wild.

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