Skunk Rehabber - Sunshine Haven Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation: 951-588-8811
Free Riverside County Animal Services: (951) 358-7387
Humane Wildlife Trappers of Riverside: 951-666-2555
If you need skunk control in Riverside, you have a few options. First, you can attempt to
solve the skunk problem yourself by reading our do-it-yourself guide. If you need outside help,
you can also call Riverside County Animal Services to see if they have any free resources or help for you - however, they primarily deal with dog and cat concerns. You can also call a local Riverside wildlife rehabber,
as they are typically a great resource for advice that is in the best welfare of the animal. If as a last resort you must hire a professional company, we recommend Humane Wildlife Trappers of Riverside at 951-666-2555. To learn more about
them or
check their skunk removal prices, visit
Riverside Skunk Trapping and Removal
Preventative Repairs & Exclusion
Riverside Skunk Removal From Structures
In many cases, preventative measures can solve your Riverside skunk problem - keep garbage secured, pet food indoors, and most of all when it comes to skunks, secure the perimeter of your shed, porch, deck, or house
with a barrier - lattice or steel mesh is good, and it keeps California skunks from going under the structure. If trapping and removal of the skunk is the only option you have, please do so with the help of a local
agency or professional company who knows how to do it humanely and legally. Browse the resources of this site for more educational information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Prevention: How to Keep Skunks Away
What to do with a skunk after I catch it?
Is it legal for me to trap a skunk?
How to remove skunk odor
Is a skunk active during the daytime rabid?
What does skunk feces look like?
Riverside Skunk Control Information: Can a skunk climb a fence? When you lose a chicken from your coop, find your prize garden dug up, or find your trash can ravaged, you might wonder what animal has invaded your yard. There are a number of options, especially if you live in a rural area. Raccoons, opossums, armadillos and skunks are usually the obvious choices. Each of these creatures leaves tell tale signs like droppings, fur, a smell ( especially in the case of skunks) or tracks, but often it is hard to tell what you have without actually seeing it. If you have a fenced-in yard, it is most likely not a skunk. Skunks, despite their long feet and heavy claws, are extremely poor climbers.
They can navigate "stair steps" obstacles like straw bales, leaning trees, or stack of wood, but rarely venture higher than a few feet. They will often climb a tree (at the right angle) to feast on ants, bees, or termites but prefer to keep their feet on the ground. If you discover that a skunk has been inside your fenced yard, usually by the smell, it probably squeezed through a gate, found a hole, or dug under the fence. With their long, sharp claws, and strong feet, skunks excel at digging.
They use the talent at excavating to search for food, gain entry to closed off areas, and to dig their dens. If you want to use fencing to keep skunks out of your yard, BURY IT! That's right; when you install your chain link or wire fencing, trench about 6-8 inches down and bury the fence. This creates an unseen barrier that acts as a deterrent to the nosy skunk. The skunk will dig till it hits the fence, finds the way impassable, and it will give up and go in search of another entryway. If you try this solution, and continue to have problems, you might consider contacting a professional animal service to help. These trained professionals can offer advice; answer questions, and help rid your yard of obnoxious animals.
Remember, for free services you can try 951-588-8811 or (951) 358-7387, but if you need to pay for professional help, check the prices at the website. Or follow our do-it-yourself guide!