Richmond Skunk Removal Resources

Skunk Rehabber - Richmond Wildlife Center: 804.378.2000

Free Contra Costa County Animal Services: (925) 335-8300

Humane Wildlife Trappers of Richmond: 925-478-4254

If you need skunk control in Richmond, you have a few options. First, you can attempt to solve the skunk problem yourself by reading our do-it-yourself guide. If you need outside help, you can also call Contra Costa County Animal Services to see if they have any free resources or help for you - however, they primarily deal with dog and cat concerns. You can also call a local Richmond wildlife rehabber, as they are typically a great resource for advice that is in the best welfare of the animal. If as a last resort you must hire a professional company, we recommend Humane Wildlife Trappers of Richmond at 925-478-4254. To learn more about them or check their skunk removal prices, visit

In many cases, preventative measures can solve your Richmond skunk problem - keep garbage secured, pet food indoors, and most of all when it comes to skunks, secure the perimeter of your shed, porch, deck, or house with a barrier - lattice or steel mesh is good, and it keeps California skunks from going under the structure. If trapping and removal of the skunk is the only option you have, please do so with the help of a local agency or professional company who knows how to do it humanely and legally. Browse the resources of this site for more educational information.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Prevention: How to Keep Skunks Away
What to do with a skunk after I catch it?
Is it legal for me to trap a skunk?
How to remove skunk odor
Is a skunk active during the daytime rabid?
What does skunk feces look like?

Richmond Skunk Control Information: Best Skunk Bait

Why would someone bait a skunk? Maybe you want to relive your childhood Saturday morning cartoons. Maybe black and white are your favorite colors. Maybe (and let's just assume this is the only reason) a skunk moved onto your property and you want to humanely relocate it.

If you have a humane wildlife trap, you could catch the skunk and then call the proper officials or organization to relocate it for you. But how do you get it to go into the trap? Think about that unwanted house guest who stayed for two weeks and turned your life upside-down. This is sort of like that.

Probably the best way to coax a skunk out of their swanky new den is with food. They don't really go for cars or jewelry or electronics. They love food. Although they will probably eat most anything, there are certain baits that will work better than others. Skunks are omnivores and opportunistic. That means they aren't so picky about what they eat. What will attract them best, however, is something like chicken or fish. Something that is oily and meat-based will be best, but they do have a sweet tooth as well.

Try using a bait like canned cat food or tuna, sardines or even insect larvae like beetles. Marshmallows or a bread crust with a good layer of peanut butter will work too. And don't forget bacon. Most everyone love bacon, and skunks are no different. Once you decide on which bait you want to use, make sure you wait a day or two to see if it works. If it does not, try something else. Maybe your particular skunk is a foodie with a well-developed, refined palate.

Once you have the right bait, make sure you know how your humane trap operates. The key is to get their entire body, including tail, inside the trap. If they have the chance to wriggle free, they will. Then you may have lost the chance to lure them back. Also make sure they will trigger the door to close, so be careful where you place the bait. You may only have one shot at catching them. Otherwise, you just offered a midnight snack to your unwanted guest. They may thank you, but they may also invite their friends over to partake too. Imagine what that kind of party would smell like. Pretty sure it would stink

Remember, for free services you can try 804.378.2000 or (925) 335-8300, but if you need to pay for professional help, check the prices at the website. Or follow our do-it-yourself guide!